Las pistolas No Letales le ofrecen una alternativa efectiva y segura a las armas de fuego convencionales. No requieren permisos y su uso en situaciones de defensa personal es completamente legal. ¡Protéjase sin comprometer su situación jurídica!
Pistola No Letal SLT DEFENDER Cal. 68: EQUIPAMIENTO GRADO DE USO OFICIAL utilizada en Canadá y Estados Unidos por Oficiales de Penitenciarías y Manejo de Disturbios.
PRODUCTO DE IMPORTACION SOBRE PEDIDO- Este producto no se maneja de stock, se compra e importa sobre pedido. Tiempo de Importación y Envio 20 días hábiles post pago.
The s1 Pepper Spray Gun provides defensive protection and offensive force that keep you safe in threatening situations that are either close up or far away.
- Effective at 150+ feet so you don’t have to get close to danger, accuracy not required
- CO2 forcefully shoots rounds at 320 ft/second causing severe impact distress
- 5 ft toxic defense cloud serves as a barrier between you and harm’s way
- PEACE OF MIND AND THE POWER TO PROTECTNon-lethal solutions for your family’s safety is serious business. The s1 Pepper Spray Gun was designed to provide ultimate safety for your family while providing maximum protection against threatening situations.
- Pepper spray and tear gas combination has been proven safe & non-lethal, meaning accidents are not life-threatening
- CO2 Cylinders stay safely sealed inside, indefinitely, until the metal seal is punctured with the first pull of the trigger
- Used and trusted by the U.S. Military to immobilize and control threats, meaning the effects are strong enough to take down an adult
- Every SLT Pepper Spray Gun is manufactured and tested for quality
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